1  Summary

The basic gist of RMarkdown is as follows:

  1. Create a text file and save it as a .Rmd
  2. Fill it with plain text and code
  3. Compile

1.1 Markdown Syntax

You can use the visual editor for a lot of this but the basic syntax is outlined below:

Basic Syntax for RMarkdown
Style Format
Italic *text* or _text_
Bold **text**
Inline Code `text`
Hyperlinks [text](link)
Subscript ~text~
Superscript ^text^

For different sections use headers:

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

and if you do not want them numbered just add {.unnumbered} afterwards.

1.2 Exercise

Add a hyperlink to lotr.rmd that links to this document. Also make sure that the link text is bold